Home > Artworks > Gustavo Pardo Sarmiento

Photo of Gustavo Pardo Sarmiento Colombia

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GUSTAVO PARDO SARMIENTO worked first 'oil', exhibiting his work in Medellín in 1964. Without leaving the painting, was dedicated and creative graphic designer for almost 30 years, earning international accolades as the prize of 'Letraset International Typeface competition' in London, England, with participation from 2,590 graphic designers from 43 countries. Devoted himself to painting since 1995, in the difficult...

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See everything we offer you!
31.50 x 23.62 in
25.59 x 33.46 in
27.56 x 33.46 in
22.05 x 17.72 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
18.11 x 22.05 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
23.62 x 18.11 in
23.62 x 17.72 in
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GUSTAVO PARDO SARMIENTO worked first 'oil', exhibiting his work in Medellín in 1964. Without leaving the painting, was dedicated and creative graphic designer for almost 30 years, earning international accolades as the prize of 'Letraset International Typeface competition' in London, England, with participation from 2,590 graphic designers from 43 countries. Devoted himself to painting since 1995, in the difficult discipline of watercolor and oil paintings. Has been present on: "I Bienal Iberoamericana de Acuarela" held in Viña del Mar, Chile. In the I and II "American Exhibition of Graphic Arts in Cali, Colombia. In "III April Artistic Museum of the University of Antioquia. And in "World Trade Center in Bogota" very good success.

It has about 12 individual exhibitions in Colombia. His work is in over 10 countries "His favorite topic is the vegetation, seen differently, as seldom captures the casual observer, but details that they forget they are there hoping that they enjoy and recreate in our view , close up, which capture and engage the audience, transporting it to the world of nature which is becoming more scarce. The renowned artist and art critic Dr. Leonel Estrada said of him: "... has emerged as one of the most outstanding masters of watercolor painting at the Colombian and Latin America. "

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